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Montag, Februar 06, 2012

Ja, wie laufen Sie denn?

Der junge Mann vom letzten Posting macht jetzt ernst: Er ist immer noch barfuß unterwegs - und dies bei Minus 20 Grad! Heute traf ich ihn wieder auf dem Weg von der S-Bahn in die Uni. Krass.


At 07:57, Anonymous Ouhlah said...

I live in Canada and like walking barefoot outside. However my limit of comfort is around -8°C and I'd say that going shoesless below -10°C temperatures is quite dangerous.

-20°C is a limit I'll never reach!

At 23:32, Anonymous Anonym said...

His feet in very big freeze seems to be all right without red or white coloring.Apparently he has very good bloodstream.Maybe he train some yoga or he has innate good organism's functions.Somewhere on internet I read about him but I regret that I didn't find more informations about him.He is interesting person for me.

At 23:09, Anonymous Anonym said...

I wonder if he lost sensitivity on his feet and toes?
Lose sensitivity is bad signal.

At 22:37, Anonymous Anonym said...

When German policemans see barefoot person in winter(freeze) on public react they somehow?
I am from other country and I have two experiences with police I must explain why I am barefoot.Apparently some prejudices if I am not some fool from mental hospital etc.
But that I am barefoot in winter is only my thing and my personal freedom.


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